

Signs #1 - Fast Flowing Water

The graphics on this sign leave the reader in no doubt as to what will happen to the car if the road ahead is covered by water!  Signs like these are probably Australia's way of making up for being largely monolingual - although not all sign 'art' is so clear cut!! 

These signs are fairly common in the Wet Tropics north of Cairns, Queensland - that's because the annual rainfall is measured in metres, as is the water level over the road!

See you next time!

PS  Click on the photo for a closer look at the sign.


  1. Wow, now that's a little scary.

  2. Yep, it's not for the fainthearted!!

  3. The sign is direct and to the point. Among my favorites here is one that indicates a cow crossing and another that depicts rocks falling. As with yours, they manage to get the message across. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. There's a great cow one here too - it's shown pushing over a car! Sadly, I couldn't get a photo as there was never anywhere to stop!


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