

Australia's Scenic Public Toilets #12 - Largs Bay, South Australia

Much of the appeal of Australia's Scenic Public Toilets lies in their surroundings. Australia's amazing coastal, rainforest, outback, regional, beach, bush and desert attractions often feature conveniences set amongst magnificent scenery – and sporting world class views.

BUT … sadly, the actual amenities blocks usually don't score highly in ANY kind of 'WOW' factor. No matter how spectacular the setting, those ubiquitous rectangular brick buildings just scream 'PUBLIC TOILET'! Even their more eco-friendly-upmarket green-painted-wood-and-galvanised-iron-with-own-rainwater-tank cousins couldn't possibly be mistaken for anything but what they are!

So when you're looking for innovative toilet art (as one does!), you probably wouldn't think to visit your local public toilet block, right? RIGHT!

Well, not unless your local is at Largs Bay!

The ocean-themed decorative AND functional mosaics momentarily mask the building's true purpose. Although logically, what else would a smallish brick building on the Largs Bay foreshore near a public walkway and jetty actually be?

The view from the amenities is marvellous - in all directions! Straight ahead – the jetty. Coastal dune vegetation off to the right – with this sign!! To the left – the sweep of the beach and bay heading up the coast to Semaphore.

And to the back, the fabulous Largs Pier Hotel!!

So fine on a typical Adelaide spring day, why would you want to be anywhere else??


  1. You have some nice clean beaches and you keep them clean too.

  2. In the older post you linked to, I commented that I must look up the location. This time I actually did. What a great spot. You are right. The hotel is fabulous and an interesting variety of vegetation in the first photos.

  3. Like the idea of the mermaid & merman mural on the toilet walls instead of the written sign :-).

  4. I can't tell how proud I am that South Aussie toilets feature so highly in your esteem, Ms Nomad! :)

  5. @Sailor - come downunder and check them out for yourself!!
    @Andrew - maybe a little something to do on your Adelaide trip??
    @Windsmoke - yes, as long as everyone 'gets' it!
    @Kath - I take 'em where I find 'em - and SA is right up there in the SPT stakes!! But so pleased to get your sanction anyway!!

  6. "The view from the amenities is marvellous in all directions"
    That sounds a little bit like the amenities have no walls....

    I've been there to that very toilet block, it is pretty.
    I've probably mentioned that we used to walk from Semaphore jetty to Largs Bay, buy an icecream and walk back again, sometimes along the path, but most often along the water edge.

  7. Hey Red,
    WOW, You Aussies really know how to jazz up a toilet. Inspiring pictures of your pristine beaches. You are a one-woman chamber of commerce and I bet you are responsible for some tourists taking the trip.
    I don't know if you read answers to your comments made on other's blogs but I loved your sentence on my last post. On jejune. Made the most sense to me. You are a very good writer and that's mostly what makes your posts so interesting.... pictures add the rest.
    Love and peace,

  8. This is so interesting!! The murals actually makes it easy to find public toilets. Wish the public toilets were as clean and that would make traveling to other countries much more enjoyable.

  9. @River - haha, you're right! But not that many toilet blocks have windows ... the walk along the bay is magnificent!!
    @Manzanita - Does this mean you don't have decorative loos stateside??!! No incentive for me to visit then!!! And thanx for the compliments!!
    @shopover - welcome! Yeah, decorative or not, amenities blocks are pretty unmistakeable!!

  10. The murals there are quite good. Those I've seen done here are a mess and meant to destroy property. I think that you are showing us something that is unique to Australia. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. Cool toilets, but look at ours in New Zealand

    made by Hundertwasser!


  12. @Mary - HHHMMMmmmm... if I looked hard enough, I could probably find some destroyed property here too!!
    @Alessandra - hey, thanx for the tip! I'll check it out!!

  13. So pretty! Art is such a lovely thing to do to those rectangular blocks. :-)

  14. @Devi - Wish there were more like them! But then, these would lose their impact!! Can't have it both ways, huh?!

  15. When I think of visiting Australia I never thought about scenic toilets, but I love it! When I finally get to Australia I will definitely have different perspective. Wanted to spread your great sense of humor, so I just posted your button on my blog. :)

  16. Why does it seem like we're always on the topic of the bathroom?

  17. @Mrs Tuna - who cares when they're so spectacular??!!


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