

Signs #12 - Bull***t!*

The perils littering the Australian coastal fringe are legendary - braving the threat of crocodiles, sharks, marine stingers, stonefish, blue-ringed octopi, sea snakes or stingrays in our waterways isn't for the fainthearted!

Even the rainforest or coastal scrub can be risky – stinging trees, death adders, king browns and other more deadly snakes, spiders, various stinging ants, mosquitoes, scorpions or leeches.

So what's a traveller to do**?

Head outback, of course! Fewer hazards there, right? RIGHT???

Well … maybe.

Happily, we had no need to test the protective qualities of our Mazda Capella after spotting this sign en route to Cooktown (on Cape York) in the mid 1990's when this photo was taken. Maybe size really DOES matter?!?!

The ensuing years have softened the graphic impact somewhat. In 2010, the bulls on the signs sported top-hats courtesy of outback graffiti artists!! Sadly, no photographic evidence exists - deep gutters and no verges mean pulling over for a photo in tourist season traffic is riskier than facing what's on the sign!

But at least you can see it coming …
* (from title) Bull DUST, of course!  What did you think I meant??
**  Don't be alarmed.  Millions of OZ dwellers AND tourists have survived all these hazards - and more!


  1. Don't know why but I was drawn to the stinging trees. Well that isn't a tree that I'd like to fall asleep under. Does anyone ever swim with all the little sea critters waiting for a foot or two?

  2. As with many road signs along bush roads i see this sign hasn't been used for target practice by the local louts or has it :-).

  3. @Draft Queen - yeah, as a sign-slut, it's one of my faves!!
    @Manzanita - sadly, the size and shape of stinging tree leaves mean that those not in the know often use them for toilet paper ... OUCH!
    @Windsmoke - I think it was new at the time - the current 'top hat' versions all seem a bit the worse for wear ...

  4. The odds for backpackers surviving an Australian visit is much much lower.

  5. @Sailor - welcome! And thanx! Come back anytime ...
    @Andrew - yes, but is that because of the natural hazards?!?!

  6. The sign really is priceless and your shot of it is terrific. Have a good say. Blessings...Mary

  7. Haha, in Canada we have similar signs with moose on them, and in India its the elephant. :-)

  8. I love that sign! It has metaphysical implications for my life!

  9. Sign slut *snicker* that sign is actually kind of cute. Kindof takes the "danger" element away, doesn't it?!

  10. @Mary - my next quest will be to capture the top hats!
    @Priyank - Haha, OK, you win!! Would LOVE to see the elephant sign!!
    @NJAMB - that's the secret of the signs - on the surface they're road signs; but deep down they're little masterclasses in existentialism ...
    @Valerie - makes it all seem like jolly good fun! But I'm guessing the actual situation wouldn't be ... wonder if it's actually happened in recent times??

  11. I love that sign and your photo is priceless!

    Have a great Wednesday!

    B xx

  12. You present a really different Australia from what I usually see or read about. That sign is really something!

  13. @Betty - not quite sure how I'm going to top that sign - it's one of my favourites!
    @Aleah - HHHMMMmmm... is that good??!!

  14. Red, That is so funny, using a leaf for TP. Once we were camping (long ago) and my Father was bragging that he never got poison Ivy, as he picked up a bunch of it in his hands. He forgot and went pee pee and he was NOT a happy camper a few days later. Proved he could and did get poison Ivy.

  15. I am really scared of all those animals. Most of all I am terrified of crocs! I never been further North than Rockhampton, and I would love to, but maybe in comfort??? Of course hubby thinks that I am missing all the fun!

  16. @Manzanita - Haha! The things we do to maintain our civilized pose ...
    @Alessandra - I've survived many trips north of Rocky!! And I think you'd know if you were in danger - you'd see signs like the ones on my blog!!!


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