

A Few of my FavouRED OZ Things!*

Swanvale Jump-Up, Outback Queensland
RED Outback sunsets; and

Julia Creek, Outback Queensland
RED Windmill vanes,

Cawnpore Lookout, Outback Queensland

Rugged RED Ranges that turn into plains!

Poetic Public Toilet, Gunnedah, New South Wales
RED-roofed Public Toilets -

The Red Devil, Minlaton, South Australia
and RED Devil Wings ...

The Big Park Bench, Broken Hill, New South Wales
And ... FAAAAABULOUS RED in Australia's Big Things!

Lawn Hill Gorge, Boodjamulla NP Queensland
RED Rocky gorges;

Lake Pamamaroo, Menindee Lakes, New South Wales
RED Sunset Reflections,

West of Windorah, Outback Queensland
RED Outback landscape spread in all directions -

(insert own picture here!)
RED Nomad OZ Readers who say lovely things ...

Uluru, Northern Territory
The lump in the throat OZ' great RED heart brings!

When the (RED Belly Black) snake bites; when (REDback) spider stings,

When the roads are bad ...

I look through the archives of FavouRED OZ things

Until RED turns sad ... to GLAD!!

I thought I'd share my 'glad' photos this time!!  Yeah ... I'm just a regular little ol' Pollyanna-ist, aren't I?!?!  But hey!  If it works for me, it MIGHT just work for you ...

And ... thanx to Jim's kind invitation, more 'FavouRED OZ Things' stanzas will be coming soon to Holes in my Soles!!  Just as soon as I get creative again and fulfil my guest post obligations ...

AND ... Go visit Sue at 'It's a Very Cherry World' for the coolest collection of RED stuff on REDnesday you'll ever see!!

Stay Red HOT!!  But of course as my readers - you already ARE!!!

*Of course HUGE apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein ...


  1. Hello Red:
    For us these images are so very REDolent of how we imagine Australia to be!!

  2. I was so REDdy to see these pics today :)

    Beautiful and uplifting , thanks!!!

  3. Top of the Morning to ye RED: WOW, I am reading your post 38 minutes after you wrote it - this is a new HIGH for me. Absolutely loved it PollyAnnaRed. Loved the photos - stunning and some I haven't seen yet. Way to Go Girl - you have taken my breath away once again.
    Have a great day

  4. Tourist advice #39. Do not visit the Broken Hill chair midwinter in the morning. Wait until the afternoon when the wind stops blowing. Great photos. Especially the sunset ones that look so RED.

  5. I've read your red post and it has made me ready for a new day. Great shots and verse.

  6. These are really beautiful...I love the bench photo. I really thought it was a small child sitting on a bench at first! LOL. Hopefully one day I'll get to visit down undah =)

  7. Stunning, stunning photos. Your website is now officially my "coffee table book" of Australia.

  8. Awesome pictures, I wish I had been born in Australia.

  9. Hi,
    All great photo's, but I really do love that bench seat. :)
    The colours are magnificent aren't they, how different OZ is in places, just like some other country's OZ has a uniqueness all it's own.

  10. That's awesome!

    Thank you for putting it together for us!

    I love the reds of Australia.

  11. And here's me thinking this post would be all about our wonderful red wine LOL.
    Great pics Red :) hope you're well & enjoying life. G xx

  12. Oh my! I never realised we had so much RED here in Oz- that sunset at Menindee Lakes is stunning!

  13. Fantastic photos, i especially like the fiery red reflection sunset and the big park bench how unique indeed :-).

  14. Love the windmill one! I could see that as a print hanging up in my place. And cannot believe how red the dirt is there. Wow! PS you needed to add a pic of yourself in there, lol

  15. Skip the spiders red is a good colour, a great colour in fact, and the sunset pic is amazing :-)

  16. @J&L - Haha! Imagine no more! They're all the real deal - hope this doesn't mean my travels are becoming REDundant ...
    @IWBY - IncREDible coincidence that I put them up then, yes?? So great to hear from you!
    @Lilly - I'm not a born & bRED Pollyanna - but if I can fake it ANYONE can!! So glad you enjoyed this post, my friend!!
    @Andrew - Hahaha! Good advice!! The RED you see on the chair (apart from me) is from the setting sun ...

  17. It's a very RED country, thisAustralia of ours.
    I love the RED windmill. Is it truly RED or is that a sunset reflection?
    These are all great pictures.

  18. @diane b - Just as well I've alREDy got some pix for the next instalment, then!!
    @Delaney - Welcome! And thanx - weird how something can be both cool and RED hot, huh?!
    @Rachel Joy - Welcome to you too!! REDuce the travel carbon footprint - take my virtual OZ tour anytime!!
    @Fruitcake - Thanx for spREDing the word ... maybe one day I'll put together an actual coffee table book!!
    @Beach Bum - I wasn't born in OZ and look where it's got me!! REDiculous!! (sorry, my powers of creative 'RED' use are wearing thin ...)
    @Magsx2 - I'm yet to determine what the definitive OZ actually is! Outback, rainforest, desert, grasslands, gorges, rocks, bushland, beach, islands, mountains ... all I know is there'll be RED somewhere in it!!

  19. @Dina - Thanx! Does that include me??!! I never get tiRED of finding great OZ pix, so stay tuned!!
    @Miss G - OMIGOD!! I knew I'd forgotton something!! Maybe we can conduct some research into the RED for my next FavouRED OZ Things instalment when I return??!!
    @Dianne - I've only just begun - plenty more RED hot pix to come!!
    @Windsmoke - Sunsets get me all fiRED up too!! I'm honouRED that you like my pix!
    @TGN - Darling, I AM in the post!! That's me on the park bench trying to be a FavouRED thing!!
    @Alessandra - I'll REDesign my next post to take that into account! Look forward to your next Niue pix!
    @River - IncREDible though it seems, the RED windmill really IS red!! The sunset just enhanced the colour!!

  20. Oh, I love your themed red collection. There isn't as much red where I live, especially at this time of the year.

  21. @muminsearch - Welcome! And thanx!! AlREDy thinking about my next FavouRED things post!!

  22. So many pretty red things! I wanna sit on that giant bench!! It's so cute :D

  23. Top photos - our living room here in Geneva is white and black with red accents and those photos look mighty tempting to blow up and frame....

  24. Really great pictures. I really just can't get over how stunning the red sunset appeared in the pictures.

  25. What an awesome post! Great photos, great words. Made me smile :)

  26. @Trigirl - Even though I could do with some REDuction in size, the bench makes even me look small!! Come on down & join me!!
    @Kath - You crave the toilet shot, right?1?! Email me via my profile if you REALLY want a slice of RED OZ!!
    @Bob - You're back! However stunning the RED sunset appeared in the pictures is NOTHING to how it appeared in the flesh! Or whatever sunsets appeared in ... come back anytime!!
    @Emma Sheree - welcome! If that's how it made you feel, my work is done ... thanx for giving it some cRED!

  27. IncREDulous post Red! Sunsets unbelievable, wordage hilariious, looking forward alREDy (yeh I know!)to 'red things' part two.

  28. Oh my those reds are fabulous, what a great collection of photos celebrating the fun and adventures of travel

  29. You certainly had no trouble finding plenty of reds today. I have to spread my "different colors" around. I have a hard time finding varous colors.

  30. Wonderful photos. I haven't been to Australia just yet but just from looking at this I think I will have to put it at the top of my *Must Go* list!


  31. @PDP - IncREDible the number of words in which 'RED' appears!!! #2 is in the pipeline already!!
    @Pearl Maple - Thanx! Just wait 'til you see the spRED I've got for #2!!
    @LV - Luckily RED is the most common colour in many of the OZ spots I've visited!!
    @Sara - Welcome! Of COURSE OZ should be at the top of your list!! All that RED looks even more amazing for real!!

  32. Great photos. It reminds me of my trips to the 'red centre'. I'm off to find my photos1

  33. This posting is REDiculously cool. It won't be long before you move from the blogesphere and into travel TV I would imagine.

  34. I almost missed this, I spend a lot of time outdoors as our summer days are numbered. All too soon, we'll be confined to the house again. Red's the word, energized with only a whisper. It needs no lavish introduction. It gives a punch like no other color.
    Is that you on the bench? I loved the cement blocks beside the bench for the ladder. Even using them, it must have been a feat of climbing.

  35. adoRED your beautiful images.
    everyone who has flown from Melbourne to Europe remembers the impressive hours of looking down at the RED Heart of this continent.

    her beauty and her terror, the wide brown land for me (Dorothea Mackellar)

  36. Great post, OZ. Your photos are fantastic. I laughed out loud when I saw the Big Park Bench. Thanks for getting my day off to a cheerful start.

  37. @Laney - Welcome, and thanx! There's RED wherever you look in OZ - so theoretically, I should never be sad, right?!?!
    @SFlaGuy - You're too kind. No, really!! I think my little blog would need a major REDesign before I got THAT kind of attention!!
    @Manzanita - Tragically, that's me on the bench. I'm about 5'9" or 10", big (ish!) build - and even I needed the steps!! It's one of the few times I've felt small ... and LOVE your desciption of RED!
    @Ann O'Dyne - I'd stoRED these pix for long enough - thought I'd give them an airing! 'Core of my heart, my country! Land of the rainbow gold! For flood and fire and famine, she pays us back threefold' (also DM, but you knew that, right?!)
    @Cathy - well, you know where to come ... REDiscover the aspects of OZ right here!!

  38. @GGGG - Welcome, and thanx!! RED is the new black!!

  39. Weee! What great colors!! I love Uluru. I really hope someday I can go there. They say it's spectacular during the rainy season!

  40. You have some wonderful collection of RED from the continent.
    Cruise Pictures

  41. @FabFawk - Why thank you! Oh - you're NOT talking about me?? IncREDible!!
    @Aleah - you'd have to be lucky to see that! But it's awesome anytime - and even REDder than my pic shows!
    @Sailor - thank you, my friend! I'll be REDiscovering even MORE RED soon ... so look out for it!

  42. @Linnea - Great fun is what travelling in OZ is all about!!

  43. Your world is filled with so much beauty. Thanks for sharing part of it with us.

  44. Oh, my! Your sunset puts mine to shame!


    I’ve nothing to give but my heart and head;
    No colors have I but yellow and red.

    Please take what I give as tokens of peace:
    And with these small gifts may your joy increase!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Sky Splashed with Red

  45. First time to your blog love your red. Thanks for sharing.

  46. Your Aussie reds are just gorgeous! !

  47. @LV - Thank you! Glad you liked it the 2nd time around!!
    @MMT - Welcome, and thanx! It's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time - AND having a partner who takes a great shot!! And LOVING your poem!!
    @Saun - Welcome and thanx! Red is HOT!
    @Mary - Welcome to you too! I guess we're kind of good at RED here downunder!!


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