

Australia's Scenic Public Toilets #21 - Lake Bellfield, Grampian NP, Victoria

Lake Bellfield - AND Scenic Public Toilet - from Dam Wall, Grampians, Victoria

At first glance you'd think the only thing lacking in this staggering panorama is a scenic public toilet, right?

Wrong! Look again – they've thought of everything on the shores of Lake Bellfield, deep in the heart of Victoria's Grampians National Park.

Lake Bellfield from the Amenities!
Still can't see it? The red circle in the lower right hand corner highlights this convenient combination of public amenities, information shelter, lookout and picnic area.

Oh – and a car parking area for those who want to work off their lunch (or in our case, the large selection of goodies from the nearby Hall's Gap Bakery) with an interesting ~1km return walk across the dam wall.

Take the stroll if you want photos like these!!

On the bottom of Lake Bellfied, mid-2000's
For the even more energetic, arrange a pick up and walk from Halls Gap (only 5 km away), or across the range from Pomonal along the historic Tunnel Track – an amazing engineering feat!
During the recent debilitating 10 year drought, the lake – completed in 1966 by damming Fyans Creek – virtually dried up, as this ~2003/4 photo shows.

Just over a year ago, the drought broke with killer flooding rains and is now nearly at its ~78500 ML capacity. From these photos, it's hard to believe the lake is 36 metres deep!

Below the dam wall, Lake Bellfield, Grampians, Victoria
Reflected in the lake, the rugged and untamed wilderness of the Serra Range is a monument to the effects of many significant weathering events like these over countless past aeons.
And below the dam wall, the lush vegetation stretches along the valley all the way to Halls Gap.

But it's not all about the landscape and scenery here at Lake Bellfield!

Echidna at Lake Bellfield, Grampians, Victoria
You'd be VERY unlucky not to spot a kangaroo in the area, and the echidnas (echidnae??) were out in force during our October 2011 visit – this one right in the car park next to the lake.

OK, I've convinced myself! There's SO much going on here, this Aussie scenic loo is actually a destination in its own right – not just a rest stop!!

Want more information?
Lake Bellfield Amenities Block - AND view!

If 78,500+ Megalitres isn't quite enough water for you, get your fill over at Watery Wednesday!!  Enjoy!


  1. Ah the Grampians is a beautiful area. I only saw the dam/lake from above at a lookout somewhere. I love the last shot of the amenities with a view. Great shot of the echidna(s).

  2. hello Red:
    Gosh you Australians think of everything.....brews, loos and views.....and all conveniently placed together. What more could one wish for?

    Here in the UK, public loos are disappearing at an alarming rate of knots and, when one does happen across one, there is seldom a view such as this. No, correction, there is never a view such as this.

  3. I love the Echidna . So cute.

  4. Hi,
    Nice spot, great photos, and what a great photo of the echidna, well done. I haven't seen one in the wild for a long time. :)

  5. The Echidna looks like our armadillos except they have needles.

    There's nothing like a real bathroom when you're out hiking in the middle of what seems to be nowhere. :) Beautiful country here.

  6. I'm definitely convined there's no other scenery in the world like Australias these photos are a shining example even the wildlife think so to :-).

  7. the Echidna kind of looks like what we call a porkypine, only I don't think the porkypine has that pointy of a nose.!/CandidaJourney/status/161940424414593024


  8. Seeing the echidna (spell check wants to change that to enchilada) reminds me of the astonishment of the white arrivals to Australia when they started to lay their eyes on our weird and wonderful wildlife.

  9. Love your photos. It's like looking through a tiny window. I wish I could open it and walk on through. Such a beautiful place.

  10. Yep, I've been there a left a bit of myself there too :)

  11. only thing lacking in this staggering panorama is a scenic public toilet, right?

    For those of us with troubled stomachs such things are very important.

  12. Glorious scenery! Even after the ravages of fires down that way, it's amazing how Mother Nature knows just how to keep on living! And that elevated public toilet could almost pass as a tree house minus the tree! Fascinating post!

  13. How convenient are the conveniences when someone has to drive up to them at a rate of knots leaving skid marks on the bitumen?
    But what a view!

  14. i've never heard of an echidna, he looks like a porcupine....beautiful pics!

  15. Well, if you have to go - go somewhere witha view I always say

  16. Great shot of the lake - luv that, beautiful views and love the photo of the echidna - reminds me somewhat of our porcupines back here in New Brunswick. So, I saw the red circle on the photo, did you visit? haha
    Once upon a beach , long, long ago and far, far away was this LOO :)

  17. a beautiful place! a public toilet is always a welcome sight, too.:p
    i have ever seen an echidna interesting creature.

  18. This cute little hedgehog has a very sweet snout :)))

  19. What a beautiful spot to visit. I can just imagine how gorgeous it really is when you are there in person. The shot of the lake is awesome. genie

  20. Toilet's a good thing, scenery is amazing, but that echinanca (-- or however you spell it), is the cutest thing EVER!!

  21. @diane b - I later found a shot of the lake from WAAAY above! Not sure what walk that was - but may no longer be accessible!! I know the 's' is correct, but 'ae' is more exotic :)
    @Gladys - C'mon, girlfriend! Your pix are pretty amazing too!
    @Jane & Lance - Can't imagine life without scenic public loos!! Luckily you've identified the ONLY way to ensure they remain a part of the landscape - multipurpose them!!
    @Kay - They ARE cute! But still wouldn't want to pick one up ...
    @Magsx2 - They were impossible to avoid this trip - but that's OK!

  22. @Rubye - A real bathroom, with a viewing platform/picnic area right above ... so everyone can hear what's happening underneath!! Not as civilised as it looks!!
    @Windsmoke - Haha! Happy for wildlife to stick around - with the possible exception of snakes!!
    @My Journey with Candida - This is the Aussie version of a porcupine! But I don't think it can throw its quills like your version!!
    @Andrew - Haha! Well, I'd be pretty astonished to spot a wild enchilada in the bush too!!!
    @SFlaGuy - Think of my pix as a portal ...

  23. @Kath - Well there you go! We DO have something in common!
    @Beach Bum - even those of us without troubled stomachs find them important!!!!
    @Gemma - Flood AND Fire! But luckily no famine with the bakery just up the road! The loo actually doubles as a viewing platform - for the dam!
    @FruitCake - yes, what IS it with loos and skid marks?? I suspect it's where the Halls Gap youth vent their testosterone ...
    @Tanya - The echidna is the Aussie smaller and less painfully barbed version of your porcupine!!
    @Glen - Haha! Words to live by ... and I DO!!

  24. @Saucy Kod - Of COURSE I visited! I road test EVERY scenic loo I visit ... nothing like suffering for one's art!!
    @Luna Miranda - VERY welcome after a long walk, or a bakery lunch!!
    @Ken G - Echidnas are VERY cute - and are a lot more appealing than other Aussie wildlife - like snakes!
    @Genie - What can I say? Virtual is the next best thing!!
    @Sallie - I think you can get stuffed ones ...

  25. Your wonderful pictures have convinced me that I need to get to Australia and visit this site (and, probably, use the facilities!). The scenery is gorgeous.

  26. We intend heading to VIC this year & the Grampians are on my 'to do' list. Your info is priceless :-)

  27. Such a gorgeous vista makes having to stop and use the restroom much more pleasant, doesn't it?

  28. Love the Grampians and your panoramic shots do justice to the scenery!

  29. @George - Well you could do worse, my friend! But I'll bet you won't regret it!!
    @TMWH - There are certain places where doing your business IS a pleasure, and this is one of them!!
    @NixBlog - Thank you! I'm always feeling that they don't, it's ALMOST too magnificent to capture!!

  30. @Bush & Beach - Oops! Sorry, I thought I'd forgotten someone ... You may find it hard to believe, but this isn't the ONLY scenic public loo in the Grampians!!


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