

Australia's Scenic Public Toilets #23 - Port Fairy, Victoria

Scenic Public Toilet, Port Fairy, Victoria

Spectacular though the view is from this coastal amenities block on Victoria's Great Ocean Road, there were more important things to do than admire it. And I'm not talking about using the conveniences, either!

Pilchard defends our lunch to the death ...
The goods from one of Port Fairy's TWO fine bakeries were under threat from a gang of marauding seagulls. SO … after assuming the 'bakery-lunch-protection' pose, we hunkered down at the table to eat, the splendid vista of the sea, the boats and the Griffiths Island lighthouse across the bay completely unnoticed.

But after inhaling our substantial lunch and banishing the seagulls, we couldn't help but notice the magnificent coastal scenery that makes the Great Ocean Road one of Australia's top drives. And despite the cold wind whipping through the trees on this November 2011 late spring day, the view through the moisture-laden air was enough to give the camera a considerable workout …

View to Griffiths Island from Port Fairy Conveniences, Victoria
A subsequent wander round Griffiths Island proved the view back to the loo just as impressive – and I'll bet it's just as stunning on a bad day!!

If you'll forgive the indulgence of a double negative, there's not much NOT to like at Port Fairy with its blend of maritime history, impressive scenery, bird migration, and the Kanawinka Global Geopark and Bonney Upwelling phenomena; so we'll be back!

Besides, there HAS to be a next time so we can try the OTHER bakery ...

Griffiths Island lighthouse, Port Fairy, Great Ocean Road, Victoria
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  1. Hi,
    I have Port Fairy on my bucket list of places that I would like to go. I have read a great deal about this wonderful place. It certainly looks like a lovely place to go.

  2. @Magsx2 - We've been trying to go on the Great Ocean Road for 3 years, but something always prevents us! This was a quick trip just to Port Fairy - can't wait to do the rest!!

  3. This is a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! I hope to read more of your post which is very informative and useful to all the readers. I salute writers like you for doing a great job! Backpacking Holiday St.Kilda

  4. lovely salt-laden scenic views; I love that Ocean Road trek; it is magical

  5. Hello Red:
    Just the name 'Great Ocean Road' sounds like an adventure waiting to happen....and how we should love to drive along and see such magnificent scenery as the sea at Port Fairy.

    A favourite pastime of ours is to take a picnic and enjoy a pleasant place to sit whilst consuming our food. We can easily say that if we happened across Port Fairy with the additional draw of not one but two bakeries, we may well never leave!!!

  6. How funny that we both has 'loos' on our mind today Red. They do say great minds think alike, we'll forget about the other part of the saying yeh! I loooooove the last picture of the Griffiths Island lighthouse, I have a bit of a pash for lighthouses and this is a beauty.

  7. It is a great name for a place, perhaps an oxymoron!
    Toilet block is typical local government utilitarian style with spectacular view. Glad to hear Port Fairy has a good bakery. I was visiting Glenreagh between Coffs Harbour and Grafton last week and was devastated to discover the bakery had closed down. Lookout for my post on the giant golden dog of Glenreagh coming soon.

  8. My backyard and I haven't seen it. Well, we did drive it in 1983 on our way to Adelaide but it is a very hazy memory. We should dodge the tourist buses, the speeding motor bikes, the road wanderers as they alternate between texting on their phones and admiring the views, and the Americans driving on the wrong side of the Great Ocean Road and do it soon.

  9. Ooooh oooh oooh I've been there - even had fish and chips on the bench that Pilchard's sitting on!

    Fish and chips..... don't exist here.... *sob*

  10. That must be such a lovely ride. I am always amazed because it seems there are no crowds in the places you visit.
    That makes your trips better still. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. I can feel the peace and quiet there this very second. So relaxing. I also know where the fairies go when they are not in port. Now that we are Flickr friends, you can too.

  12. Seagulls will dive bomb you to get your food.

    We were in Atlantic City last year eating on the boardwalk. My sister decided to throw a seagull a morsel. I told her NO!! But she wouldn't listen to me. Next thing we knew, they were all over us. I was so mad at her. Of course she thought it was funny. SISTERS!!

    You had a great view to eat your lunch at.

  13. The view is excelllent, like the lighthouse.


  14. WOW, Red, this is the view I want from my "LOO". Very informative post and beautiful scenery - love the sailboat n waves on beach. Adore the lighthouse - this post reminds me of my backyard. I really enjoyed this :)

  15. Yet another place I would like to visit. I would seriously travel the distance just to enjoy that view of the lighthouse and the ocean.

  16. The scenic drive along the Great Ocean Road is certainly not to be missed as i drove it way back in about 1979 all the way Warrnambool missed out on visiting Port Fairy though :-).

  17. What about the loo? Did you at least try it?

  18. @MBGA - HHHMMMmmm... Hope it's useful to your customers!
    @Carole - I've actually done it in the 1980's - but whizzed through en route to somewhere else in a couple of days so didn't see much. Next time, next time!
    @Jane&Lance - Yes, it's a marvellously evocative name, isn't it? And well deserved - the scenery is marvellous! I just hope the 2nd bakery lives up to the wonders of the 1st!! This'll keep them guessing as to which one we visited ...
    @PDP - I like your thinking, my friend!! Lighthouses are running a close second to windmills for me!
    @Mark - The ugly loo block and the spectacular view is a common combo!! Bummer about the bakery - it's always sad when they're lost in small towns because they rarely return.

  19. @Andrew - I've seen reminders to drive on the left in OZ in a few places up north, but saw the first SA one the other day. HHHMMMmmm... maybe take a bus tour??
    @Kath - Well, I'm honoured to have sat where you once sat! Next time we'll have fish&chips on your behalf. Just what kind of country have you moved to, anyway?!
    @Mary - we're continually amazed by lack of crowds in some of the places we've been. But we DO make an effort to avoid them - Xmas hols & deep summer downunder and this place would be jumping!
    @SFlaGuy - Haha, yes I saw a few but didn't comment ... I've got some serious uploading to do!!
    @MJWC - Haha, of course sisters never listen to their wiser sisters!! Sounds like seagulls are the same everywhere!!

  20. @Filip - Thank you!! A little different to Brussels, huh?!
    @Saucy Kod - Haha, yes it would be nice to observe that every day. Sadly, there is NO view from my home loo ... And I'm going to have to start sneaking in lighthouse pix now like I do windmills - everyone seems to like them!!
    @Beach Bum - well you'll just have to activate the alien portal then, won't you?!
    @Windsmoke - I did it in the late 80's, but didn't stop to look at anything much, and certainly didn't see any of the Pt Fairy area. It's just magnificent - and I can't wait to 'do' it properly!
    @Friko - Of course! I just can't have lunch and a drink without a follow-up ... But it's an anti-climax after the loo!!!

  21. Yes I think we will come to OZ in July, but this time I would like to see (not climb) Uluru. Looking at prices... golly better start working harder now!!!


  22. I really impressed the Griffiths Island Lighthouse it is simply amazing and wonderful view. Thank you very much for sharing and looking forward to hear a new story from you.


  23. regional bakeries always ROCK.
    Port Fairy was initially called Belfast. Thanks for sharing your fun. X X

  24. @Alessandra - Uluru is unbelieveable! I didn't climb it either ...
    @Jim - Always a pleasure to have you drop in!!
    @Miss Tina - Plenty of new stories coming right up!
    @Ann O'Dyne - That's what I keep trying to disprove. So far, no dice! But my quest continues ...

  25. A great post and I loved all the pictures. Thanks for stopping by with your invite. I shall try to join in one of these days.

  26. Port Fairy looks and sounds wonderful. Views AND bakeries!
    I always wanted to drive the Great Ocean Road on our trips between Brisbane and Murray Bridge then later Sydney and murray Bridge, but K always took the faster cross country roads. I see many bus trips in my future.

  27. WOW! Another STUNNING feature in your theme of scenic toilets. LOVE IT! I also love the name of the place. (Because of the Fairy in it. Cute!)

  28. Amazing - just back from a weekend at Port Fairy - music festival kept us happy all weekend. Lovely spot.

  29. I've never not liked a good double negative

  30. That lighthouse is just perfect. Great photos and I hope the seagulls didn't eat too much of your meal. :)

  31. Your pictures have certainly convinced me that a return visit to Port Fairy is in order. And I say this without even getting a taste of the bakery goods!

  32. Beautiful -- our kind of place. Gotta' watch those gulls though -- they're out to take over the world, one baked good at a time!

  33. @Denise - Welcome and I'll look forward to it!
    @River - Just as I see many bakeries in MY future!! It's a bummer when speed has to take priority over scenery - but that's what retirement's for, huh?!
    @Courtney - Just look at the 'November' picture ...
    @Ian - What kind of coincidence is that?! It MUST be a sign - for SOMETHING!!!
    @Glen - It's not that I never try to avoid them - sometimes they're just the best way to say it! See the below for another find example!
    @Nancy - Ha! The seagulls didn't eat ANY of our meal!! You can't live in OZ and not know how to deflect them!!
    @George - Yes, I'd still return without the bakery - that just makes the return more highly anticipated!!
    @Sallie - Well they better not be relying on OUR food to fuel their plans for world domination!! We're too practiced at fighting them off!!

  34. You see, I need some photographic proof of the quality of the bakery products before I drive down there. Then again, the shot of that lighthouse has me tempted! I do like a lighthouse and I don't think I've visited that one!

  35. I see that you get your priorities right. Visit the bakery and eat first before giving the camera a workout. It sure is a beautiful part of Australia. We did a wine tour of the Coonawarra and then continued along the Ocean Rd to Melbourne. We were in a not so flash bus and we always said we would go back in our car one day but haven't made it yet.

  36. Such beautiful sights. Almost takes me there.

  37. A loo with a view ... what a wonderful corner of the world this is Red.

  38. I need to go back to Australia and go on the Great Ocean life feels incomplete without it!

  39. @Greg - Are you serious? By the time I think of photos, the bakery goods have generally disappeared ... BUT you could do worse than trust us on the bakery thing - our travels are really an elaborate ruse for a bakery crawl!!!
    @diane b - Haha, it never occurred to me to do otherwise!!! We keep planning to 'do' it properly too - one day it'll happen, just not sure when!!
    @Indrani - It's the next best thing to really being there!!
    @Dianne - I'm continually amazed at how loos seem to have the best views in the country!!! Why is that so??!!
    @Michelle - Well, you DO need to prove/disprove your OZ 69 fun facts!!!

  40. Mmmm. Bakery. As usual, absolutely stunning photos. Of absolutely stunning places. I have to tell you about the view from the men's loo in the hills outside of Ephesus, Turkey. (My Husby sneaked me in because the view was incredible!) We were visiting the 'home' of Mary, the mother of Jesus. But the view from the men's room put all other sights from our minds. Absolutely magnificent. Something you must put on your list!

  41. @Diane - If you have photos of that Turkish loo, I'd LOVE to see them!!!

  42. I love Port fairy and have spent two holidays there. Scenic views don't get much than these! Lovely shots!

  43. @NixBlog - I hope to spend a LOT more time there someday ... scenery AND bakeries is the best combo of all!


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