

Australia's Scenic Public Toilets #27 - Sun Pictures, Broome, WA

Ladies Amenities at Sun Pictures, Broome, Western Australia

Many Australian natural wonders with public amenities (think Kata Tjuta, Wyndham or Lord Howe Island) are set amidst such scenic splendour that using them is part of the sightseeing experience! But once you've seen it, the view doesn't really change.

Sun Pictures Screen (with Ladies to the left) by Day
So imagine a convenience block where the view changes a couple of times each night. And where, like a wormhole, it can transport you anywhere in the world, the known universe – AND beyond!

Impossible, right?

Wrong! For the convenience of its patrons, Sun Pictures, the world's oldest outdoor cinema in operation has placed its amenities right next to the big screen.

 So YOU get to choose the view because the film you've chosen to see is the scene at the loo! And what you'll see from the amenities if your viewing is interrupted by natures call!!

Sun Pictures Cinema by Day, Broome, Western Australia
So doing your business really IS a pleasure – of course assuming you're enjoying the show!

Established in 1916, Sun Pictures has survived bombing during World War 2, devastating cyclones and killer king tides. It's now full of movie memorabilia and offers a wonderful, old-fashioned movie experience – buy an ice-cream, bring a blanket and/or pillow and settle back into a deckchair to enjoy the show!

Sun Pictures Cinema by Night, Broome, Western Australia
It's also moved on from the segregated seating that mirrored the pre-1967 Broome society hierarchy of this multicultural pealing town.

Sun Pictures Deckchairs, Broome, Western Australia
A postcard available from the cinema shop shows a full house with Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, Malays, Koepangers, Filipinos and Aboriginals, although children crossed cultural boundaries and sat at the front or back with whoever else had been relegated to this less desirable position!

Nowadays, if you're not enjoying the scenery of, say, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, just come back another night for a complete change of pace!

But whatever you're watching, the awesome star filled Kimberley sky above the screen is a real distraction. It's not the only one either – directly under the flight path to the airport only a couple of kilometres away, your view of both the stars AND the screen may be blocked by a jet so close you could almost reach out and touch it …

Stars, Lens Dust and the big Screen, Sun Pictures, Broome, Western Australia

Unless you've chosen that moment to visit the loo!!

Movie Poster, Sun Pictures
Want more information?

PS  For another look at the FAAAABULOUS Sun Pictures historic outdoor cinema, see what A Taste of Travel had to say about it!!


  1. Hello:
    This is such a fascinating post for we have never, of course, seen anything quite like it and how wonderful it is that, in the main, it still retains all of its old fashioned and very quaint charm.

    And what a thrill to be there, under the stars, watching a favourite or, indeed, any film.

  2. Oh Red, this was such a neat post. I love it that the town has kept its olde fashioned values and the charm of the olde buildings untouched. Its great to go to an out door movie - I always love that atmosphere and we actually still have an outdoor movie theatre in Sussex, NB, conventially parked next to the large campground - movies free to campers Friday n Saturday night and anybody else can pay to sit or drive in. Haven't seen one of your scenic toilets for a bit - most enjoyable.

  3. I do love the ways communities make themselves unique. How do you find the places you visit?I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Really enjoyable post. It looks ideal to be sitting under the stars watching a film even if you do miss the dialogue every time there's an incoming or outgoing flight.

  5. @Jane & Lance - During winter, the evenings are always clear! Next time, I'll be prepared for the plane flying overhead & take a photo!! That's what REALLY made it unique!
    @Saucy Kod - For some reason, seeing a movie outdoors adds a whole new dimension to the experience, doesn't it?!
    @Mary - Reading travel magazines & blogs, and going to the annual caravan & camping show gives us ideas about the regions we'd like to see. When we get there, we explore them to the max!!
    @Fun60 - Haha, it's not as bad as all that - the area is remote, so only one large-ish jet and a couple of light aircraft!! Even so, it was worth it!

  6. What an unusual theater! It would be nice to be underneath the stars while snuggled under a blanket--camping without the inconvenience of sleeping in a tent, as it were.

    It is difficult for me to imagine anyone being silly enough to bomb Australia, though!

  7. I love that title. I'm going to have to look at your other public toilet posts.

  8. Great post!

    You never could do a similar post here in America.

  9. Never seen anything like it. The climate rather works against outdoor cinema here though it has been tried...briefly!

  10. wow! I can imagine becoming so engrossed in the movie that anyone else needing to go would have to find somewhere else.

  11. The movie theatre in my home town had canvas seats like that ... Not striped ... all a bag brown hessian.

    Perfect that way you got both the ladies and the theatre in the frame.

  12. The widespread acceptance of modern toilet paper and replacement of telephone book pages ushered in an era of BYO books in public amenities. A movie sounds like a reasonable alternative!

  13. This would be a great experience! (Well, you know thewhole movie thing, not just the "using the facilities part").

  14. Great minds think alike! Thank you for the mention. The theatre is certainly one of Broome's highlights...a step back into the past. I'm glad you didn't know about the planes before seeing the movie... it's best as a complete surprise! Thanks again.

  15. @TMWH - Haha, watching a movie is virtually camping, huh?!?! LOVE that idea!! Darwin's WW2 bombing was bigger than Pearl Harbour; Broome and other places not so much, but still serious!
    @Michelle - Welcome! So many scenic public toilets, I'm still going strong!
    @Beach Bum - Why not? Because you don't have open air cinemas? Or the concept is too 'advanced' for the general public??!!
    @John - Haha, maybe underground? In the subway perhaps??!!
    @River - HHHMMMmmm... not sure you can actually see the film from the stalls, so to speak! I'll have to test that out next time I'm in Broome!
    @Joan - SSHHsshh... it was easy, actually! Just had to be standing in the right spot!!
    @FruitCake - And a very civilised notion it is too, when you think about it!!
    @Sallie - Well actually, BOTH are a great experience!! Gotta try everything, right?!?!
    @Jenny - You're very welcome!! I couldn't believe it when I saw your post!! Maybe we'd better coordinate future Broome posts??!!

  16. Going to the 'drive in' as a family is such a fun memory, pillows . blankets..excellent. I think you may have just inspired me to go to at least one outdoor movie this summer Red. Lord Howe Island still wins for me!

  17. not sure how I've been missing your blog posts of late Red but the outdoor theatre is quaint. I noted the carpet underfoot - or is it rolls of dried turf?

  18. The only place I know of in Florida with a quaint little outdoor screen is Fort Wilderness at Disney Orlando. A giant gas fire pit and free marshmallows are a nice touch but this is the real thing. I only mention it as I'm taking Dad there for his 80th birthday. I would so much rather take him to this little gem of a theater but that much quality family time in the plane may make me open the door half way over and jump out. I'll just add it to my solo tour wish list of the fantastic places you have posted this year.

  19. Now this is what I call the ultimate in conveniences. Other people - less fortunate ones than the patrons of this cinema - have some comics or magazines in the loo. But having films on tap, I ask you!! How about a season ticket?

  20. Amongst other we saw "Forrest Gump" there - the "kitschy" movie-sky went directly into the "Outback"-sky like butter (as we say).
    We also saw "Life Is Beautiful" there - in the original language!
    After just a few minutes we had the feeling we just watch a movie, not hear Italian, read English!
    The only time we were "caught" being German was when the German officer said real bad stuff which was translated to, "you get no Gummy bears", where we had to laugh ironically...

    Thanks for the memories of Sun Pictures and Broome - are you still allowed to have food in there? I missed out on having a Pizza there! Gotta come back some day!
    So many memories.... Broome is beautiful.

  21. @PDP - Lord Howe takes some beating, doesn't it?! This one's more of a quirky scene than a spectacular one!! Let me know how the outdoor movie works for you!!
    @Carole M - It's actually brick paving! It didn't come out so well in the photo - I blame the camera ...
    @SFlaGuy - Hahaha! Couldn't you just take separate flights??!! Woudl it be too smug to say I hope your outdoor experience with your Dad is as good as mine was?!?!
    @Iris Flavia - So glad I could bring back memories for you! We would have LOVED to go to the cinema again, but ran out of time!! And yes, you can still have food there as far as I know!! Hope you get to come back real soon!!!

  22. Awww,it´s such a dang long (and for a short holiday horribly expensive) journey....
    But if we make it back... we have a Pizza in there, visit the markets, watch the stairway to the moon and sleep way outside to watch the beautiful, clear sky and see the southern cross again!
    We´re really living in a "light-polluted" area, having a clear sky to see stars means it´s more than cold, brrr...
    Oh, and visit the dinosaur footstep,see the mangroves, have a walk at cable beach, visit the museum - AND! Habe a Chicken Hawaii at Chicken Treat, oh, how I miss Chicken Treat! We have nothing like that over here! Don´t forget Jerky and Pies.
    Germany. Culinarian desert.

  23. Have not got to Broome yet, but I'm working on it! Looks like there is plenty to see.

  24. That's a fun twist on a cinema. They should bring a few of those to North America. They'd be great in the summer. ;)

  25. Awesome post! What a creative way to introduce a small town theatre!

  26. @Iris - You actually sound a bit homesick - for Australia! Get back down here, girlfriend!!
    @NixBlog - I was a Broome virgin until this year! Now I've become a Broome s - well, you get the picture!!
    @Audrey - They ARE great in the summer! Somehow, I can't see it working with rain, cold and wind ...
    @Liz - There's a scenic public toilet for everything! Stick around - you'll see what I mean!!

  27. Isn't this an amazing historical place.


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