

Say it with ... Toilets! Australia's Scenic Public Toilet #28

Scenic Public Toilet #28 - South Australia/Northern Territory Border

The convoluted maze of tracks, walkways, parking spaces and picnic spots at the South Australia/ Northern Territory border makes it difficult to determine exactly which state is responsible for this nouveau-classic Aussie Outback Dunny!

Welcome to South Australia - Hope you went before you came!
But my money's on the Northern Territory.

Because after driving 900+ km through the South Australian Outback along the Stuart Highway from PortAugusta to the border, it's unlikely that South Australia's toilet-free-public-rest-area policy would suddenly change!

Isn't it?!

The Silver Bullet at the SA/NT Border, June 2012
Signs along South Australia's remote northern highway attempt to reduce the road toll by encouraging travellers to take a break if sleepy; and even more ominously warn that drowsy drivers die. But taking a relief break without any privacy from passing traffic for one's enforced squat in the dust just isn't the relaxing diversion it should be!

Is it?!

Although maybe there's a subtle psychological undertone because crossing ones legs possibly does provide an added incentive to staying awake!

Even so, it's a welcome relief (in more ways than one!) to arrive at the border crossing point – and re-enter civilisation via an actual building in which to do your business.
The Northern Territory from the SA/NT Border Crossing Loo!

THAT'S what's scenic about THIS loo!!

And that's why the SA/NT Border Crossing Public Amenities made the cover of my all-original AmazingAussie Loos with Awesome Scenic Views Calendar, exclusively available through my CafePress Shop!!

Inside, there's 12 months of both never-before-seen Scenic Loo shots, as well as a selection of old favourites from my Australia's Scenic Public Toilets series. All tasteful, of course!

Choose your own start-month (and year!) for a perfect gift solution for those pesky hard-to-buy-for people ALL year round!

Of course you can choose a traditional January - December calendar gift.  But why not start the calendar in the person's Birth Month to create a more personal Birthday Year calendar?  Or start it in May for a Mother's Day Year or September for a Father's Day Year memento??  Or even as a Financial Year record???

A Countdown Calendar ending in the month of a big event like an overseas trip, sporting meet, house purchase or other significant milestone will make a fun keepsake that'll last forever!

Or just get one for yourself and WOW your guests with your imaginative decorating brilliance in the smallest room in your house ...

Ordering from CafePress is EASY!  Just click HERE to get started!!

And look out for more exclusive Amazing Australian Adventures products coming soon!!


  1. Hello Red:
    We are, as might be expected, totally and utterly AMAZED!!

  2. you positively can't fall asleep when you're busting! This was a neat, and scenic pit-stop Red.

  3. But don't you love the way parts of South Australia have waving fields of wheat - oops, waving fields of unburied loo paper?

    Is location of basin adjacent to women's facility significant?

  4. Red, It is nice that they put in the loo. I can not imagine riding for hours without relief. What an idea for a calendar, loo's with scenic views. Funny post, have a great day!

  5. Why the lack of loos I wonder? It seems odd not to have at least one. Unless "they" figure most people make that trip by bus or train which have their own loos on board.
    It is quite a pretty facility.
    I'll have to have a think about the calendar. You don't use PayPal do you? PayPal and me are not friends.

  6. That is a calendar to stop all others. Meant in the kindest way, it belongs in the lav.

  7. Caught up in your description of the trek towards NT, I fully understood how this would be such a beautiful vision to behold. :-)

    I love the concept of your "Calendar for the person who has everything".

  8. ...a perfect gift solution for those pesky hard-to-buy-for people ALL year round!


    My wife has a friend who collects calenders, this would be perfect for her.

  9. A Red Loo? Did they do that to honor you? I love the idea of a countdown calendar!!!

  10. Wonderful you clever woman.
    I clicked through to order one for Andrew (before seeing his comment above)and after add-to-cart the US flag popped up and I ran away. Do they post from across the ocean?

    I did note in that first photo the nice possie under the slab for SNAKES to live ...

    X X on behalf of annie o'd

  11. there is nothing like a loo with a view. We've had a few in our time travelling around WA. I will have to check out Cafe Press. Thanks for the link.
    Have a great week. I am linking up to you through Zigazag!

  12. I've been missing your scenic loo posts and I'm thinking about the calendar! I know about that side-of-the-road thing -- back (wayyy back) when we were younger, there weren't as many roadside rest stops in our western states as there are now. Remember many times when a towel around the car door was used as a shield. There's a lot of rest stops now (and it's a good thing because I'm older and .....)

  13. Scenic loos! I love it. I'm going to actively seek them out following this prompt by you. In the Caprivi Strip in Africa there's a loo in a Baobab trunk looking out onto bushland. Keep up the good work, REd!

  14. Your too funny Red. everytime I see a public toilet I think Red would like this spot!

  15. Well done, RedNomad - could be the ideal Chrissie pressie for us Swiss dwellers!

  16. @Jane & Lance - Haha! Just wait 'til I come up with Product #2!
    @Carole - There's a few things that keep me awake -and needing a 'rest break' is one of them!!
    @FruitCake - The worst loo paper slick I saw was in WA ... Sadly, the building designers didn't confide in me when they placed the basin - so your guess is as good as mine! Actually, it's probably more humourous ...
    @eileeninmd - The loo was MORE than welcome!!
    @River - Loos = maintenance = money. That's my theory. Also, the SA gov't isn't interested in anything outside of Adelaide, let alone facilities for a few pesky tourists!! CafePress accepts both PayPal and credit cards!!
    @Andrew - Well, my work is done, because that's where it's intended to go!!!
    @Eccentricess - Well ... I never thought I'd be so glad to see one ... and SURELY the person with everything would be grateful someone had hunted down something unique!

  17. @Beach Bum - Well I bet your wife's friend doesn't have a calendar like THIS! Whether she wants one or not is completely irrelevant ...
    @TMWH - They must have known I was coming ... you could do a countdown to the end of the school year calendar!!!
    @Marshall Stacks - Tragically yes. I couldn't find a high traffic 'print on demand' shop operating from OZ. I didn't look for the snakes ... if they're hidden, I'm happy!
    @Jill - There's a few good ones in WA!! But now I'm always on the lookout!!
    @Sallie - I feel your pain ... the more I travel in the outback, the more adept I become at the 'squat'!
    @Johanna - They're EVERYWHERE when you really start looking!!
    @Mark - Thank you! I guess that's a compliment ...
    @Kath - Well, after your Lyon experience you'd be WAAAAAY homesick for a real Aussie Dunny, right?!?!

  18. I'm wondering when the "Australia's Scenic Public Toilet" calendar is going to hit the stands. I'm sure you have enough material by now. I know I'd hang one on my office wall.

  19. I'm ashamed to say I didn't notice the CafePress link! I've bought stuff from there before.

  20. I've ordered two, one for me and a Christmas gift for my brother. He works all over Australia and will appreciate this a lot.

  21. Hey - Was that plug there before I commented. See the order in US dollars, That's mine! When my co-workers are all "what the heck" - I'll tell them I would rather visit a Scenic Australian Toilet than work here. Which is actually pretty much how I feel right now.

  22. Love your scenic toilet posts. It's so nice that they make it a point to make those look nice. Here, you'll just get a concrete one. Boooooring.

  23. this loo looks great. You should see ours filled with spidersnet and a lot of debrie. Noone wants to use it.

  24. @SFlaGuy - Well, now you know!! Can't wait to hear your workmates response!!
    @River - Thank you so much for choosing to spend your money on my calendar!! Hope you both enjoy them all year!!
    @Aleah - Sadly, I've seen a lot of boring ones in between all these beauties!!
    @Nature Footstep - Haha, there's a few like that down here as well!


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