

The 12 Days of Christmas - Aussie Style!

In the Twelve months of this year, Australia gave to me:

Twelve Sunset Fishers

Eleven Kayaks Paddling

Ten Tathra Wildflowers

Nine Outback Sign Words

Eight Devils Marbles

Seven Rainbow Bee Eaters

Six Loo Languages

Five Mulla Mullas

Four Awestruck Travellers

Three Spoonbills

Two Swimming Whales

and a Koala in a Gum Tree!

Thank you for your visits, comments and support in 2012!  But stick around ... I've got WAAAAAAY more Amazing Australian Adventures to share in 2013!


  1. Very cute version of the 12 days of Christmas! I loved it and your photos. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Years!

  2. Love your 12 days of Christmas. Wonderful. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  3. Fantastic pictures but on the pier, they are not all fishers and I see 13 people. Merry Christmas.


  4. Very clever. For anyone who thinks koalas are cuddly, take a look at the splayed claws. Ouch!

  5. Just wonderful Red, Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. Thank you for these great impressions very much. Please have you and yours a great Christmas.

  7. Love this. Fantastic, each one! Happy Christmas days to you, Pilchard and Barbara. Love from Rosi and Mike

  8. There are those bee eaters again. Such a clever posting but those little birds just fascinate me. So how did you get them to pose like that?

  9. This was really great. How clever are you!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may you travel long and often.

  10. This is sooooo clever. You took all of the pictures, no doubt. Double clever. I love the lighting on the 12 day one. They shadow people look like they are about to dance Flamenco. You hooked me. Ha
    Merry Christmas

  11. you'll be back, I'll be back for more of your aussie 'ventures Red - loved this wind-down to Christmas; WELL DONE!

  12. Very clever and topical for your blog and an Aussie Christmas. You have a god one.

  13. Excellent photos and theme, Red!
    Happy and safe holidays everyone!

  14. Great selection. Hope you're having a happy Christmas Day wherever you are. And beware of excesses, whether for food or drink.

  15. lovely! love the aussie style

    merry xmas to you and yours!

    big hugs~


  16. Wonderful photographs, and I look forward to seeing more gorgeousness in 2013!

    Oh, my son's favorite show, Finding Bigfoot, is showing an episode where they are in Oz hunting the Yowie. Should be fun!

  17. @eileeninmd - Thank you! Somehow, lords-a-leaping and maids-a-milking don't quite do it for me, so I thought I'd make my own!
    @TFG - Thank you, so glad you enjoyed it! Xmas all over now downunder - hope yours was awesome too!
    @Filip - I thought there'd be more argument about the 8 Devils Marbles! Try counting the legs on the sunset/fisher/watchers - we can still only see 12!
    @Andrew - SO true! If that little branch Mr K is sitting on gave way, he wouldn't fall down the tree because those claws would grip HARD!
    @Mark - Thank you, and the same to you!! Even though it's all over now ...
    @Robert Geiss - It's my pleasure to show them! I hope Xmas is wonderful for you!
    @Rosi + Mike - Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise! Fancy meeting YOU here!!! And thanx for your good wishes, all 3 had a wonderful Xmas day as we hope you did too!
    @SFlaGuy - It's easy. They're stuffed and stapled to the branch!!!

  18. @River - Thank you! I'll SO do my best to fulful your wishes!!! Hope your Xmas was AWESOME!
    @Manzanita - Yes, all pix are mine!! And the flamenco thing was a total fluke - SO glad it caught you out!!! Merry Xmas!
    @Carole - Look forward to meeting up with you in blogland in 2013 too!!
    @diane b - Same to you, my friend!
    @FruitCake - I don't really relate to Colly birds and Partridges - so I did my own version! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was satisfied with it!!! Hope your Xmas was superb!
    @VDP - Haha, sadly it's WAAAAAY too late for the excess food & drink warning! But Xmas is all over now downunder so we can get back to normal!
    @Betty - Thank you!! Glad you enjoyed it, and look forward to catching up more often in blogland in 2013!
    @TMWH - As I look forward to relentlessly hunting it down, photographing it and showing it to you! BUT ... not sure about finding a real live Yowie! Although Dr Google tells me they've been sighted as recently as Jun 2012!!!

  19. Clever, well done! How lovely to spend some time armchair travelling with you.

  20. Just loved this post. Well done, an Aussie original. Hope you had a lovely Xmas.

  21. A fun, wonderful and apt Twelve Days of Christmas!

    I hope you and your family had a great day!

  22. Excellant Post Red - clever, cute Christmas Post - I have been singing along with the photos. he,he Just SWELL - looking forward to more great posts from Red Downunder in 2013. Cheers, Eh.

  23. Great photos for the 12 Aussie days of Xmas. Season's Greetings to you!

  24. @Seana Smith - I hope it was as much fun to read as it was to create!
    @Linley S - The original lyrics don't really mean much to me - so I made my own Aussie version! Glad you enjoyed it!
    @Nette Cecilia - Thank you!
    @Kerri - Yes, I'd be hard pressed to pick a favourite!!
    @Hilda - Thank you! And yes, Xmas was a GREAT day for us!! Hope it was for you too!
    @Saucy Kod - There were a couple that didn't scan too well, but that's what poetic license is for, right????
    @Imagebloke - Thank you!
    @mick - For some reason, I didn't have a lot of pix of 8 things - but it's amazing what you can find if you look hard enough!!
    @Pat - Thank you!!

  25. Splendid! I like the Bee-eaters the most.

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  26. Fun sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  27. Seriously. The.Cutest.Post. I´ve ever read! Clever and beautiful.
    And yes. Germans say "bitte" and "danke", both. "Always" ;-)
    I really need to take a pic of the loo-mini-golf-set Spouse bought.
    Never counted them, eight? Well, our car, a Nissan Patrol LWB, had their color.
    The one we had before had the color of Spinifex, both came in handy, you never saw us straight away (Hello, Night-Patrol Darwin).
    Oh, dang, how I miss travelling your place!
    Thanks for bringing back so many good memories!
    The fishermen so remind me of the old Prawn Jetty in Carnarvon.
    Can I beam over?
    Have a Hawaiian Pack at Chicken Treat (cause Spouse didn´t catch but a blowfish)? Oh, wait! Need to go see The Freshfood People for some ketchup first.
    Wow. Now I´m craving that, too. We have nothing alike (let me add Pies and Jerky to that list! Germany is culinarily a very poor country!)
    Thank you, Red.
    It´s like travelling back, reading your blog!

  28. Great picture serie!
    I wish you a happy new year!

  29. HA! great post. Hope you had a happy holiday down under.

  30. Fabulous Red, hope you had the best Christmas.

  31. Oh Red this is just priceless! Wonderful. Happy New Year!!

  32. What an epic post. That is one of the best I've read this Christmas.

  33. Let this New Year be the one, where all your dreams come true. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year 2013 :)))

  34. @Stewart - I couldn't leave them out, could I?!?!
    @Gary - Hope it was as much fun to read as it was to write!
    @Iris - Haha, it's always a pleasure reading your comments!!! All I can say is come back real soon! And I think the tip about your car colour matching the outback colours is a real winner!!! Weirdly, there are those who don't consider a Hawaiian pack to be great cuisine - but it's all about what you like best, isn't it?!?! Happy New Year to you!!
    @Angela - Thank you, and I LOVED yours too!! Happy New Year!
    @Mrs Tuna - Well, at least I was WARM!!!
    @Jim - Thank you!

  35. @PDP - The best in years!! And I hope the same for you!!
    @Sallie - Thank you!! SO glad you enjoyed it - it's always a pleasure when you drop in!!
    @Fun60 - Wow! I'm honoured!!! But this is what happens when us Aussies break with tradition!!!
    @Ken - Thank you, my friend! I'm lucky enough to be doing what I do so my dreams are already coming true! I wish the same for you and look forward to catching up in the blogosphere in 2013!!


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