

GREEN with Envy! Australia's Scenic Public Toilet #31, Adelaide Hills

Umbrellas at Tenafeate Creek Wines, Adelaide Hills, South Australia

I'm SOOOOO lucky.
Not because I'm based in South Australia's splendidly scenic Adelaide Hills.

Not because I'm within cooee* of a clutch of supremely photographable attractions.

Not because of Adelaide's enviable Mediterranean climate.

The real reason I'm so lucky?

I live within 5 minutes of TWO of South Australia's most Scenic Public Toilets!!

View from Tenafeate Creek Wines Scenic Public Toilet!

You've already seen #18 – The Most Glamorous Little Outhouse in OZ, just down the road at Da Vince's Eyes Art Gallery and Cafe. But I'll wait if you want to go have another look.

Just up the road and round the corner are two wineries – escapees from the renowned Barossa Valley, about half an hour's drive away, and another reason I'm lucky. But I digress.

Dining at Tenafeate Creek Wines, Adelaide Hills, South Australia

The same Tenafeate Creek that runs through our property gives its name to one of these. And the good news is they also serve platters, pizzas and gelato to those lucky enough to be seated overlooking this remarkable view!
View from the Loo - and dining area - at Tenafeate Creek Wines, South Australia

Of course the Adelaide Hills are as dry as a sandbox in the desert during summer, although the bleached white grass and grey-green eucalypts make a staggering contrast with the endless blue sky, unsullied by clouds. Like these shots from the first day of summer, 1st December 2012! I'll wait again if you want another look …

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But on this fine October 2012 day, the vista from under the RED umbrellas shading us from the strengthening spring sunlight as we feasted and drank was so GREEN it hurt the eyes.

And also overlooking this staggering sight?

A Scenic Public Toilet!!

The view facing the other way is just as inviting, with the superbly set eating area adjoining the vineyard.

So I'm lucky, right?
My only problem on a fine spring day is deciding which of these two FINE Scenic Public Toilets to choose!!

Scenic Loo View of the Dining area at Tenafeate Creek Wines, Adelaide Hills

Are you GREEN with envy??!!

Why not join me sometime?!?!

Welcome to City Daily Photo Theme Day, held on the 1st of each month. No, the theme ISN'T Scenic Public Toilets – it's Umbrellas! Click HERE to see how CDP community members have interpreted this for their cities and localities! Enjoy!!

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*Cooee = Australian slang term, in this case meaning close to; or nearby; or 'within spitting distance of'! For a full explanation, click HERE!


  1. I think our Adelaide Hills are as pretty as the Flinders Ranges are stunning.

  2. There's nothing like a John with a view. Lovely. Very funny. You are indeed quite lucky, Red!

  3. Hello Red:

    Oh to be sipping a deliciously crisp white Australian wine under the shade of those wonderful umbrellas and drinking in the marvellous view in the safe and secure knowledge that a beautifully sited loo is within easy reach.Perfect!

  4. such pretty scenery! a scenic public toilet haha...doesn't everyone need one of those?!

  5. You have me looking at public toilets in a whole new way and I can tell you this!! Your toilets are much better than anything I have seen so far in the USA!!

  6. This is another excellent addition to your loo with a view series. The Adelaide Hills is a stunning countryside.

  7. Thanks for waiting whilst I visited the first link (for the first time) and revisited the second! What a great addition to your series. When we were traveling all the time I always said that part of what we paid for when we stayed in an RV Park was the second bathroom (because they always have showers/toilet facilities). But lots of times they would be at least five minutes away from where we parked (if you meant 5 minutes walking distance). So I can picture you walking over to this scenic facility in case someone else in your house is hogging your own! (Not that I'd know anything about that from experience or anything ;>)!)

  8. Certainly a nice terrace. The view is excellent.


  9. You combined loos and brollies so gracefully here, haha - love the deft, clever touch of this post! Great captures too:)

  10. Although I love rocky mountains, I also like to live in a scenic land like the one in the view from the loo. The rolling hills usually mean a fertile soil underneath. You do have the pot-pourri of scenes to choose from.(and toilets)

  11. Great post, and wonderful photos.
    Happy Theme Day :)

  12. While I had forgotten all about the Most Glamorous Little Outhouse, I remembered your reflection in the tiles making you look bigger.

  13. The view from the winery is beautiful! How nice to enjoy some wine and a snack while enjoying the scenery. And of course, a loo is needed if one is drinking. Great post and lovely photos. Have a happy weekend!

  14. Ah phooey! We don't have any scenic public toilets hereabouts. I am jealous!

  15. Oh well done Red, brilliant combination of scenic loos and umbrellas!Laughed when I saw the gorgeous chandelier (remember you waited while I looked) in the 'glamorous loo' quite unexpected!!Excellent post for the theme.

  16. Yeah, I am green with envy haha We don't have such in the Philippines!

  17. Red you are blessed, not only to be so close to these two outstanding toilets, but to be so near, or in, the Adelaide Hills. It's so beautiful there... sigh, happy fond memories! We went to the Crush Festival when I was there and that in itself was amazing, even though I don't drink I had a blast!

    Right, I just remembered about starting that blog up for the traveling stones... tomorrow I'll get that going and email you. I'm so sorry, this totally slipped my mind!

    Have a wonderful week, great post with beautiful shots!


  18. Red, I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pics. Where-ever do you get your ideas from? You are always so entertaining! I have had some wonderful scenic toilets in the past too - looking out over red Pilbara dirt for example - what a view!
    Have a wonderful week.

  19. @River - You're right - and they're at their best in autumn and spring! Why don't more people know that?!
    @Christopher Allen - One day I'll post about the different cutesy names people call toilets so they don't actually have to say the word 'toilet'! We've got quite a few euphemisms downunder!!
    @Jane & Lance - It's ALL good! But there's even live jazz on Sundays!!
    @Tanya Breese - HAha, yes! At least I hope so - I've based my blog career on it!!!
    @MJWC - Then my work is done! But don't forget - I'm only showing you the GOOD ones!!!
    @Taken for Granted - Luckily, I don't think I'll run out of cool Aussie loos anytime soon, so stick around!

  20. @Sallie - HAhaha! I never thought of that!! But now you've planted the idea, I can see lots of down time spent at the winery in my future ...
    @Filip - It's all the better for NOT being green for part of the year!
    @LONDONLULU - HHHMMMmmm... I'll have to make it my personal challenge to incorporate the monthly theme into toilets from now on!! Watch this space!!
    @Manzanita - The Adelaide Hills are the perfect combination of green bounty and mountains! Although I don't think ANYTHING in Australia actually meets the heights (and temperatures!) of the Rockies!
    @Jo - Thank you!!
    @Andrew - Yes, the reflective surface sure is deceptive!!!!!!

  21. @eileeninmd - Yes, this location has it all!!! Maybe I'll set it up as my office ... could do worse, huh?!?!?!
    @TMWH - Ah, c'mon!!! Don't tell me we're the only ones with scenic toilets!!! You're just not looking hard enough!!!!
    @PDP - I am quite decided to incorporate a scenic public toilet into each and every theme day post!! That's the only way I'll be able to deal with Cafe Chairs. CAFE CHAIRS!!! What were they thinking?!?!
    @Aleah - Oh well, I'll have to strike the Philippines off my list!!! Unless there are bakeries???!!!
    @darlin - Yes, I am lucky. But the Adelaide Hills are only a small part of the adventures to be had downunder - so many places still to see! I look forward to the Stones blog - I have my two recipients lined up, but they don't know yet. I'm waiting for it!!
    @Jill - It's not hard to get ideas for posts with the inspiration I get almost everywhere I go!! And every time I think I've found the best scenic loos, I find another one!!! Cool, huh?!

  22. We started our first Australia-trip in Sydney and went direction Barossa Valley. Boy, was I disappointed, it all looked so German! My mood was at a low when we arrived in Hahndorf. Large cherrie-trees line the roads, parking is done German-like and at a café I found the portrait of Wilhelm Busch, a writer who lived some whopping 8 km from my hometown!
    I thought, right travel all this long way to find this???
    Luckily we were able to find the "real" Australia after all, but it was a tough start ;-)

  23. I really do need to get myself to SA sometime. These pictures remind me a lot of the Swan Valley in WA. Beautiful part of the world, and I'm sure that this spot, toilet and all is just as great if the photos are anything to go by!

  24. @Iris - HAhaha, I never thought of that!! Just as well you didn't give up and go home!!!
    @Paul - It's actually quite similar to the Swan Valley - except a few less vineyards!! But don't just take my word for it!!!


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