

5 Grampians Wildflower HOT Spots!

Tinsel Lilies on the Mafeking Road, Grampians, Victoria
In spring, the distinctive landscapes of Victoria's Grampians National Park – where vista after staggering vista stretches out in an almost endless 360° scenic panorama – become an irritating distraction from its main attraction!

Because springtime is double the fun in the Grampians when every magnificent view comes with a bonus extra – a unique display of wildflowers especially formulated to match it!

Nothing quite like Grampians Heath - these flowers near Lake Bellfield
And I'll prove it! Follow along as I retrace our footsteps through FIVE FAAAAABULOUS wildflower extravaganzas we saw in the Grampians in spring 2012 and 2013 (Oct/Nov)!

Although the scenery takes second place in this post …

Boroka Lookout:

The view from Boroka Lookout overlooking Halls Gap and Lake Bellfield, Grampians, Victoria

Arguably the best-known view in the Grampians, the iconic Boroka lookout high above Halls Gap on a clear day can leave viewers breathless!
Grampians Wildflowers, Victoria
Especially when one contemplates the hiking trail from the town below to the lookout – that's probably even worse going down than coming up!!

Pink Thryptomene, Grampians, Victoria
Nearby, the flowers on the high plateau cover the rocky ledges and draw the eye away from that gob-smacking view!!

The magnificent endemic Grampians Thryptomene (Thryptomene calycina at top left of previous photo) in full floral flight can be found throughout the Grampians in spring.
BUT ... some prefer the pink version.

What do you think?

Heatherlie Quarry:
Orchids at Heatherlie Quarry and surrounds, Grampians National Park, Victoria

Wattle at Heatherlie Quarry
Thryptomene is also a staple at historic Heatherlie Quarry, but it takes second place to the orchids along the walking trail from the car park

It's hard to imagine this now deserted site in the middle of the bush as the thriving commercial centre it once was.
But exploring the site with the help of interpretative signs reveals its historical connection to many of Melbourne's buildings.

With vegetation well on the way to re-claiming the bare rock faces left by many years of quarrying, the site is only a couple of good seasons from disappearing into the surrounding bushland.

Silverband Falls:

Silverband Falls, Grampians, Victoria
Weirdly, no matter how wonderful the waterfall, my photo of it will almost certainly look like a white line on a dark backdrop.

 My shots of Silverband Falls – a recovering natural disaster zone after the twin ravages of fierce bushfire followed by catasrophic flood – are sadly no exception!

So I've gone for an arty water shot instead ...

... and you'll just have to trust me that this is, indeed, Silverband Falls!!

Not that it matters with wildflowers like these on offer!

Wildflowers - and a sprouting fern - at Silverband Falls, Grampians, Victoria

After following the falls recuperation over three visits following the flood, it's amazing how the vegetation has regenerated. And while the gully may never return to its 'normal' state the wildflowers are making a welcome comeback.

Victoria Range with Ti-tree in the foreground, Grampians National Park
Victoria Valley:

Running between the Serra Range to the east and the Victoria Range to the west, the wild and remote country around the Glenelg River with the jagged mountain range silhouetted against the sky is softened by spring wildflowers.

The strong colours – the red of the earth, the blue of the sky, and the green of the plain – are barely noticeable when blanketed with white.
Yes, the ti-tree in full bloom is what passes for snow in this almost-outback off the beaten track part of the Grampians National Park!
Don't miss it if you want to see a carpet of flowers, a knife edge of rocky mountains and a scattering of wildlife!

Ti-tree close-up
Mount Abrupt:

The penultimate (LOVE that word!) mountain before the Serra Range sinks into the plain at the Grampians southern end, Mt Abrupt's impressive peak rises over 800 metres above sea level.

View from Mt Abrupt, Southern Grampians, Victoria, Australia

While the view from its peak is one of the best in the Grampians (yes, that's MY opinion, and I'll back it up with photos in a later post!) the wildflowers en route to the summit offer a welcome opportunity to stop for a rest photo break.

Mt Abrupt Wildflowers, Grampians, Victoria

With an elevation of ~460 metres, you'll need a LOT of photo breaks over the 6.5 km return trip – if you're anything like me, that is!!
Moss Flowers found wherever there is - yes, you guessed it - wet moss!! Grampians, Victoria
Hitting these hotspots for a double dose of killer view AND awesome array of wildflowers is just a teaser! There's a lot more to see – both scenically AND florally – all around the Grampians at this time of year!

BUT … be warned! Wildflowers aren't the only natural phenomenon to come out in spring … so watch your step!

Tiger Snake ... don't catch THIS tiger by the tail!!!
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  1. Beautiful collection of wildflowers and the views are gorgeous. Lovely post and images. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Stunning photos of stunning wild flowers and amazing sceneries. The waterfall does look like a waterfall. Seriously, though, how big is your telephoto lens and or how far away was that snake? Shiver.

  3. WOW....what a lot of wonderful pictures..... all these wildflowers are so nice to see
    and you have photograph them very well.

    Warm greetings from Holland,


  4. So we don't need to travel to West Australia to see wildflowers. I have never visited The Grampians.This must be rectified in the not too distant future. I hope you were using plenty of zoom when you took the tiger snake photo.

  5. What lovely scenery and beautiful wildflowers! The snake is scary!

  6. I love all your flower close ups, they look so delicate it's hard to believe they survive in such harsh conditions.
    The tiger snake is pretty to look at, you couldn't possibly mistake him, even if curled, for a pile of dog poo as I once did a brown snake. I realised my mistake when the pile moved...

  7. wow; loving the heath. I think it's a double-whammy to get spectacular Grampians scenery AND the wildflowers. Have never seen the coloured heaths like this. Well yes, I love the pink thrypto' as a nice change. I also love the eriostemons with their pink buds and then waxy white petals opening up. The orchids are amazing aren't they; how they seem almost insignificant close to the ground, until you get right down there with them and study them up close. I remember Silverband..UH-OH on the tiger-snake - that's what gives me the creeps when creeping around the bush this time of year!

  8. So many beautiful images, I can't believe how many beautiful spring flowers there are but I kept scrolling back to the very first shot. That's a really lovely shot. Spring is a good time for healthy snakes, too, that fellow looks to be in good nick.

  9. What a hike this one was. Just when we thought wildflowers were coming to an end, mother nature still has more to throw at us. Fantastic view from Boroka Lookout Red.

  10. Your Australian wildflowers are beautiful and I love that awesome view. Have a wonderful day :)

  11. I love wildflowers so greatly enjoyed this post. Many were familiar to me from these parts but I've not seen that gorgeous Moss Flower.

  12. Interesting such a high lake, I wouldn't like to be close to this snake.


  13. Lovely wild flowers, it's a wonder of nature.

  14. I love the flowers in the first image. The color with the uniqueness of the petals are so beautiful.

  15. What a gorgeous snake! He's even better looking from this distance, I think! Such gorgeous flowers, Red! Thank you for sharing them.

  16. wow - these shots are fabulous!

  17. Sometimes your photos look like they are from a completely different planet rather than just the other side of this one.

  18. Oh I LOVE your wildflowers!! Our are all gone as it is Fall soon to be Winter here.

  19. @eileeninmd - Thank you!! It's nice to be able to show a different side of OZ! It's not always dry, dusty and hot!!
    @FruitCake - OK, that's it! I'll be using arty shots of waterfalls from now on!!! I can be VERY brave with snakes when they are heading away from me and I'm protected by a couple of tonnes of metal car!! It was only 3 or 4 metres away - but the car factor made it seem further!!
    @Joop Zand - Thank you!! It's easy to take good photos when your subject matter is so spectacular though, yes??
    @Andrew - The WA wildflowers are more of a spectacle and there are many varieties ... but wandering the Grampians in springtime has its own rewards!! The array of marvellous colours spread amidst the most magnificent scenery is an unparalleled double whammy! How can you call yourself a Victorian and never have been there?!?!?!
    @Karen - Haha, I treat snakes with the respect they deserve ... it was worth a few minutes of terror to see the wildflowers!!
    @River - My observational skills have been honed for years by closely inspecting every twig, stick and branch for snake-like qualities in summer!! I guess if it looks like dog poo, you'd still be leaving it alone, right?!?!?!

  20. @Carole - Yes, the double whammy effect is brilliant!! I guess the snake thing is just a part of life in OZ at this time of the year - but that doesn't mean I have to like it!! I've been happy-snapping flowers since I got this camera - maybe it's time to start learning the names!!
    @Pauline - The 1st one is my favourite too!! I suspect the snake had just eaten - he was moving VERY slowly!!!
    @Linley - I'm always amazed at how long the wildflower season lasts!! Boroka lookout is one of the best views in the Grampians - but the view from Mt Abrupt at the southern end is even better! Just wait 'til I show you that properly!!!
    @Pam - Thank you!! This is just a small 'teaser' of Aussie wildflowers - they're prolific in most parts of the country in spring!! Come back & I'll show you more!!!
    @Joan Elizabeth - I'm sure the 'moss flower' has an official name ... it's actually very small - only about 1/2 cm across. It has to be wet and warmish for it to be at its best, we are often in the Grampians too early to see it!
    @Filip - The lake itself is only high because it's manmade - they dammed the river!! I too don't want to be close to the snake - but there was a whole car between me and it!! That's how I could keep the camera steady!
    @whiteangel - It's their impermanence that makes them special. That and the amazing colours, shapes and spectacle!!!

  21. @Lady Lilith Bloodcrave - Thank you! It's also one of my favourites!! Even though there's not a drop of blood in sight!!!
    @TMWH - Yes, it would take a whole hemisphere (if that's not too inconsistent) of distance to make me feel safe from such a snake!! The flowers in this part of OZ are not so widely known, even down here!
    @ladyfi - Thank you!!
    @Bob - Oh, didn't anyone tell you?? Australia is in a parallel universe!!!
    @Kerri Farley - Well I shall look to you for a flower fix when we are in midsummer - only a month or two away!!!

  22. The wildflowers are spectacular! WOW!

  23. @EG CameraGirl - Thank you! Although I cannot claim credit for them of course!! But is WAS a pleasure to see them for real!!!

  24. Red, thank you for linking up your post to Saturday's critters. Have a happy weekend!

  25. Amazing views. Wonderful series indeed. So many beauties in your post!

  26. Gorgeous flowers and the snake is also beautiful.

  27. Fabulous blooms, and a gorgeous view! Yikes, that's some snake!


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