

12 Days of Christmas ... AUSSIE Style!

In the 12 months of this year Australia gave to me ...

12 Veterans Medals

11 Wind Turbines

10 Mountain Peaks

9 Mallee Tree Trunks

8 Points of Interest

7 Mile Beach

6 Strata Layers

5 Telescopes

4 Turtle Cakes

3 Plump Seals

2 Wild Orchids

and a Beetle near a Gum Tree!!

Merry Christmas!

Want MORE?

Check out the ALL different 2012 Aussie 12 days of Christmas HERE!!

And ... for those who care about such things, here's the details:

  • 12:  A selection of Medals from the Melbourne War Memorial Museum display, Victoria
  • 11:  OK ... so there's more than 11 wind turbines at Wattle Point Wind Farm, Yorke Peninsula SA - but I only counted the ones in the front row!!  The BIG ones!!
  • 10:  Some of you might count these South Australian Flinders Ranges Peaks and get a different number.  I get 10 ... so 10 it is!
  • 9:  I only counted the significant Mallee trunks in the Swan Reach Conservation Park, SA!
  • 8:  While there are only 6 arrows on the sign before the last stretch up Mt Kosciuszko, NSW (OZ highest mountain), I considered the altitude and location also to be points of interest.  So sue me!
  • 7:  Seven Mile Beach at Lennox Head, NSW.  Yes, back in the dim, distant past, we also used the imperial measurement system.  Some place names reflect this!
  • 6:  If you count the strata layers in this hill on the Bararanna Gorge Walk in SA's Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary and get a different number, you're just not doing it right!  Try again!!
  • 5:  Australia Telescope Compact Array via Narrabri, NSW - also the site of Australian Scenic Public Toilet with the BIGGEST view (ie of the whole universe).  There are actually 6 - but the other one is several km away.  Besides, I'd already found something with 6!!
  • 4:  Turtle Cakes made by my awesome sister-in-law L!  Jealous?  You should be!!
  • 3:  Seals basking on SA's Goolwa Barrages near the Murray River Mouth that stop salt water from the sea going further up the Murray River.  I don't think the seals care.
  • 2:  I'm not sure of the correct scientific name for these orchids in South Australia - but down here we call them Bulldogs!
  • 1:  I'd like to think this was a Christmas beetle with colours like these!  But who knows?  Certainly not me!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, my friend! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

  2. Interesting such a countdown, Merry Christmas.


    1. I liked my Aussie version of the 12 days of Xmas so much I decided to do it again this year!! Happy New Year to you!

  3. t's a great post ...... my compliments.

    I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2014.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. I LOVE your 12 days of Christmas post. Have a very wonderful holiday!

  5. Merry Christmas Red. The beetle looks very christmassy.

  6. What a fun and cute post. I love the scenic shots. Just wondering what turtle cakes are though?

    Red, wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas!

  7. love it! Creative post Red; best Red wishes, with a drop of red?

  8. That beetle certainly looks Christmassy to me.
    I wonder if the wind turbines are the ones I saw through the bus window on the way up to Port Pirie.
    I'm curious about the turtle cakes, are they made with real turtle? Hmmm?
    Merry Christmas to you and Pilchard.

  9. The 12th comment on the 12 days of Christmas. Great Aussie Christmas post.

  10. I couldn't let the day pass without popping in to wish you a Merry Christmas. Have a wonderful holiday. Hugs and Christmas blessings...Mary

  11. A great way of representing the 12 days of Christmas Red. Is there any red wine to be had? Wishing you and yours a happy Christmas and all good things in 2014. I must get on and do my 2013 wrap up!
    cheers! Jill

  12. Love your 12 days of Christmas, Australian style. Might note that the color red was prominent in all these photos. ;-) What fun!

    Sorry about my somewhat dark post about the decline of farming. I should have been more in the Christmas spirit. We are having a great time here, and I hope you are also having a Merry Christmas.
    In my grandfather's generation most Americans were farmers, but now less than 2% of the American population are farmers, and a majority live in urban areas with little idea about the source of their food.

  13. beautiful! Merry Christmas, Red!

  14. So good to see a unique collection of Aussie icons. And not a kangaroo or a koala in sight. Whew! Love those strata layers of rock. (I've always had a rock fetish.)

  15. What a cool twist to this song. The pictures are wonderful, and I really need to visit Australia so I know exactly what you are talking about.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  16. A great post, Red! Love the idea! :-)
    Well, and the pics, certainly!

  17. The Medals, Most are repeated. I have No's 2, 3 and 6, plus six others not shown here on your selection, the initials of which can be seen on my profile. Been there done that so to speak.

  18. The RN had different words to this song as much as different words to most prominent musical scores,
    Sort of bawdy and mostly unprintable. Your lyrics to this festive song are very amusing.

  19. Ha ha loved your rendition of the '12 Days of Christmas'. Very clever. Just wanted to say that I love your blog and if you are interested come and see mine at I write about a variety of subjects but do quiet a bit of travelling and blog about that.

  20. What a great post. Missed calling in at Christmas time but have arrived in time to wish you a happy new year.

  21. A creative way to celebrate!
    Hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve!!!

  22. Really clever! And the pictures are fantastic!


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